I say yes to love
I say yes to life
I say yes to me
My heart whispers
Thank You ~Suzie
Welcome to Day 17 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge
(If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just start at the day you have arrived at. The previous days are listed at the bottom of each post in PINK)
Let’s shout out a confident YES and allow yourself to be pulled forward confidently in the direction of your dreams.
“It is confidence in our bodies, minds and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures.” ~Oprah
Today’s card Have Confidence and Doreen Virtue’s words seem to be what I really needed to hear. I have had a day that hasn’t gone anywhere near where I planned. The meditation I was going to make for you today will have to wait until tomorrow or the next day. Some good has come out of some of my distractions.:)
My Prayer: Archangel Michael, please lend me your courage and fortitude. Help me realize that I am one with all that is Divine; wisdom, strength, love, creativity, abundance, and health. Allow me to feel confident and peaceful about myself in all ways.”
Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. ~Norman Vincent Peale
The Message:
This card is all about having the confidence to follow through with what you truly desire. To have the courage and the strength to see what lies beyond what blocks you, To have the confidence to allow yourself to dream your dreams into reality, the confidence to believe in following your life’s purpose. The confidence to trust your own intuition.
The confidence to know that when you listen to and trust your heart whispers you will be guided to take right action. All you need is within YOU. Say yes to this and let go of any doubt
Archangel Michael asks that you have the confidence to face any challenges you have head on and that you listen to your own inner wisdom and follow the guidance you receive. When you follow and trust your heart whispers your life will unfold in perfect harmony.
Possible specific meanings:
♥ Have confidence in your plans and ideas.
♥ Tune in to your intuition, as it’s right on target.
♥ Trust the person you’re inquiring about.
♥ Have faith that you’re on the right path.
♥ Know that your financial and other needs are being met now and in the future.
Today’s Activity:
Make a list in your journal of ways you say yes to you that moves you towards you desires. What makes you step into the confident you? If you are not stepping into the confident you, what is holding you back?
Are you being grateful for all the wonderful things you are, be , do and have? No sure? Get quiet and breathe into your heart and ask for guidance, then allow the words to flow onto the paper.
Confidence is something you create within yourself by believing in who you are~ anon
Daily Activities:
- Write down five things you are grateful for today- maybe focus on being grateful for times in your life that have had you walking a different path
Count your blessings one by one as you started to on Day 6. - Use Hoʻoponopono if you need to relax, center yourself or to be forgiving of you.
- Breathe in Love Breathe out gratitude from yesterday
My 5:
- I am grateful to PJ Van Hulle and her wonderful interview with Morgana Rae that I listened to while still tucked up in bed. This was one of 3 light bulbs that went off for me this morning about getting my message out through speaking. Then on facebook I saw two more messages about speaking from my friend the awesome left thumb blogger Glenda Watson Hyatt and Jennie Armato. Universe trying to get me to say yes?:) Now I will stop procrastinating on finishing my book
- I am grateful for the curry and kaffir lime curry recipe my brother gave me it was a yummy dinner and I forgot the pictures!
- I am grateful for our local library and the wonderful selection of books they have. Today I borrowed Robert Holden’s Loveability Audio Book and Sonia Choquette’s latest Book Tune In: Let Your Intuition Guide You to Fulfillment and Flow
- I am grateful the my smartphone and the great meditation app Insight Timer where I found a great gratitude meditation which you can download here
- I am grateful for the daily abundance of magic that nature provides for me stating with the birds singing, the wind that dries the clothes, the soft green grass and more.
Will you say YES to you today?
Until tomorrow keep touching your gratitude rock and counting your blessings and seeing the abundance that you already have.

Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥
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Links for the challenge; Join In Day 1 Day 2, Day 3, Day 4. Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10. Day 11, Day 12, Day 13, Day 14. Day 15, Day 16, Day 17, Day 18. Day 19, Day 20, Day 21, Day 22, Day 23, Day 24. Day 25, Day 26, Day 27, Day 28. Day 29, Day 30.
I WILL say “yes” to me today!!! Awesome post, and awesome reminder! Today – I’m putting some of the “work” aside and just focusing on relaxing, fun, and gratitude. So much to be grateful for, yet I lose sight of it with the day-to-do “stuff”!
Hi Lisa
Wonderful and thanks your comment makes my heart sing. Yes it is so easy to lose sight of the abundance that surrounds us daily that opens one’s heart to even more gratitude. Congrats in taking time out. ♡♡♡
Hi Suzie. I’m a first time visitor to your blog and I already know that I will return. 🙂
My personal practice is to express gratitude first thing in the morning when I wake up and again at night as part of my daily prayers. I do trust the Universe when I am making changes and letting go of that which does not work for me anymore – whether in the form of activities or people who have let me down. Your post this week and Archangel Michael’s message are exactly what I needed to read for reinforcement of my confidence that my intuition is taking me where I need to go. A warm virtual hug and a big God Bless.
Welcome Vatsala, delighted you are here. Yes I think we all need confidence in trusting that the guidance we hear has us on the right path. We all need the reassurance along this path- I now i had a wobbly today 🙂
Thanks for the warm hug, sending you one back
namaste ♡♡♡
Good one.
Thanks for sharing. 🙂
My pleasure nice to meet you ♡
I definitely needed to read this post! I need to learn to be confident and have courage to move towards my goal 🙂 Thanks for sharing this 🙂
Welcome Swathi happy it is helpful to you. When we learn to truly love ourselves, the confidence becomes easier
Fantastic post Suzie!!!!! Enjoyed reading!! Shared for you as well 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Hi Joan, great to see you, thanks for sharing ♡