- that are maybe sitting on you computer…..
- In your to do book you made specially for all you inspirations that are going to create change?
- Might be in boxes, baskets or on shelves waiting for the creative spark to reemerge
- Maybe a book in journals and boxes as well as on the computer just waiting to be written. I did keep my first book Emergings tucked away on a shelf for 20 years before it was published
- Boxes of fabric waiting to be turned into a quilt
- An Etsy Shop– mine opened yesterday, I have been talking about it for a year
I could probably fill a full page with things I am intending to complete.
Well my mentor Marney Makridakis hosted a very special class this week Creations, Completions, and Cupids: Falling in Love with Your Unfinished Projects I discovered how to become a finisher- how to fall in love with my UFPs and why some of my UFPs have been sitting on that to do list for so long and yes becoming energy drainers.
Using what Marney calls her Cupid Process I discovered that some of my UFPs were not the ones the I was excited about or would give me a great desired end result! Was I surprised? YES and NO. I have been getting nudges to go back to using video and look at bringing back my interview series, like The Change Warrior Series I did back in 2011 before my life took a different path. These were the winners in the cupid process followed closely by completing my book: Lucky To Be Alive and getting Emergings: A meditation on the emotions of change onto ibook and kindle fire.
I have a new respect for my UFP list and can see how I can now fall in love with them- even the lower ranking ones have a love element that will move me forward. As Marney says: What MOVES us is What MOVES us!
Do you feel that unfinished projects might be draining your energy or holding you back from your dreams?
What happens when we release or complete a project? We raise our vibes and we feel good about ourselves. It makes it easier to move onto the next UFP and take another step towards our dreams on our journey to freedom
MMM is magical and transformational and Marney is the magician. I have been in many other group coaching programs that pale into insignificance for content, support and value. This is like having your own individual coach/ mentor plus you get a creative support team too. Marney has an amazing gift of transforming one’s words and thoughts so succinctly and like a magician a new product or program is being pulled out of the hat. My business is being transformed, things I have been procrastinating about are coming to fruition. I now have someone on my team that understands,challenges and supports me. Marney makes magic in our session each week and her business experience plus her generosity of spirit make this the wisest decision I have made for me and my business. This is one exciting ride I wouldn’t miss for the world. -Suzie Cheel, Love You, Love Your Life.
Are you unsure about which projects still have value to you, and which ones may have run their course? (tweetable)
Listen to the class where Marney provided a living laboratory for all of the above…a place to…
learn about your “completion energy”…
do some “speed dating” with your unfinished projects…
identify the the next steps to bring your creative dreams forward….
and lots more juicy fun stuff!
You can go here to listen…and get ready to fall in love with your UFPs using the Cupid Process
What UFPs do you have on your list that would love to be released?
In the comments below I look forward to hearing what UFPs you haves and please share it with your friends on Twitter and Facebook.I so appreciate you ♥
♥If you enjoyed what you have read subscribe to email updates ♥
Want to catch up on the BEach Inspirations I have done so far: Be Be You, Be Asking,Be Brave, Be Creative, Be Bold, Be Clear Be Dreaming, Be Enough Be Forgiving To Be Fabulous Be Grateful Be Hopeful Be Intuitive Be Joy Be Kind Be Love Be Magical Be Miraculous, Be Listening Be Big, Be Finishing, Be Authentic , Be Aware Be Courageous Be Trusting Be Releasing
Oh I love this topic Suzie! I decided last month to make July my month to finish projects and clean the decks in preparation to take “massive action” (in the words of Tony Robbins) for the rest of this year. The next few days are going to be a push, but so far I’m on track to clear the list. I’m planning to treat myself to a couple of days of ‘me’ time before diving into forward motion. Thanks as always for the great inspiration!
Hi Marty
You have inspired to get a move on so I will finish July not taking the same things into August.
Yes when we decide- which Tony Robbins say we can make in a heartbeat, we begin to shift stuff that maybe has been blocking us.
Thanks for your inspiring comment ♡♡♡
That’s funny! I’ve been talking about opening an Etsy account for over a year now too! Ok, it’s funny but it’s not 😉
This is motivational to finish some of those unfinished projects. And I love that title and acronym.
Hi Elise,
welcome, I love your blog.
I was talking about opening a shop on Etsy for longer than a year! I then saw a couple of artists whose blogs i read with shops so now the time seemed perfect.
Thanks for you psoitive feedback i appreciate that ♡♡♡
Yes, I have a woodpecker tapping inside my head about projects that need to be done, I’ve got the idea and the outline but need to commit the time to finish these, before other things jump in to claim a higher priority – but sometimes that space between starting and finishing gives us time to evolve and create something more special as the end result. So, I will list them, ponder their merrits and start with the one that ‘talks’ to me the loudest!!
fab post Suzie 🙂
Hi Jacs
Thank you, love the woodpecker tapping inside you head- i just heard it in mine too 🙂
Yes sometimes the space in between allows for things to percolate in a different way ♡♡
This is uncanny because I’ve just been through a training called the million dollar day that has you write an EXHAUSTIVE list of everything you have been procrastinating for months or years and get them all done in one crazy day (imagining you will receive the million dollars as a reward). It is thrilling to add up how many years of procrastinated projects you can actually crowds off the list and free your mind of all that baggage!
Wow Michelle,
That is one awesome idea how many did you get done in a day? The freedom you would feel as you say would be amazing ♡♡
I believe I calculated about 5 years of procrastinated STUFF accomplished in one day! It probably would have been more, except we have only been in this house for 2 years.. so there weren’t any 10 year old projects to catch up on. There is lots more to do, but that is because you see more and more as you get going and of course some things need doing again before too long… but the cleaning and decluttering gets easier if you get a good chunk of it done. It is a great feeling to have a little more mind clarity!
Have you been peeking into my life??? I do have unfinished projects, including a book, and I’ve just of late been gearing up to reconnect with this work. I’m very intrigued by what you describe and might explore Marney. You’ve given such a great testimonial! This post really spoke to me – THANK YOU!
Yes Judy, yours and a few other along with mine it seems- sparked self- recognition.
Ah the book- that is going on my August plan 🙂
Yes I have been waiting for a Marney in my life for a while- i would recommend the free session- I know they said the 26th, but I just checked and it is still open- it you mention my name Marney will give you consideration.
My pleasure ♡
I am so happy that you are restarting some of your projects. Well, I am a huge goal setter, so I always have something going on. Right now I am co-creating an after school program in my community. It has been in process for several months and we go public in October. I am also writing my first ebook, which should be done in two weeks. My biggest unfinished project though is me. . .and while I am alive, I hope to always work it:)
Congratulations! It sounds like have a lot of great things happening around you. And the other can stay on the shelf until there time comes.
Hi Kate,
thanks, yes after a long time of gestation and patience i am getting that good old butterlies in the tummy feeling ♡
What an inspiring article Suzie. It got me to thinking about all the projects that I have started and not finished and which ones are truly inspiring to me that I would like to now complete. Love it!
Hi Diane,
Thank you and thanks for sharing i do appreciate you. I found the Cupid process such a delighful way to look at my UPS ♡
Congrats on the Etsy shop! And thanks for the intro to Marnie.
My pleasure Kim, and thanks for dropping by- meeting Marnie has been a true gift for me. ♡
Hi Suzie,
This is such an important issue–I love the fact that you’ve addressed it here and brought it to consciousness with some inspiration. When I take a look at the projects I have that are unfinished, I can clearly see why they were placed on the back burner. While I don’t regret having to prioritize, it does catch my heart to have to do that. I love the idea of honoring and revisiting these projects and finding a way to make them necessary somehow.
Hi Chrisitna,
Thanks yes I have to say I have a new view of my UFPs, the exercise was like having a light bulb come on. I never ever thought of the idea of falling in love with a UFP- Mind you I now have some that may just drop away 🙂 ♡
Hi Suzie
The joy of finishing!! I play with this a lot – both personally and with people at Creativity Lab LIVE! – when we finish things it frees up so much energy to create even more. And for me there is a thing of when it’s time it’s time – you can’t force the finish! I actually love to have lots of projects on the go – because if one or two aren’t moving forward many of the others will be. So there’s always an energy of creation available. How does it get even better?
🙂 Lisa
Hi Lisa,
I relate to your comment about when it’s time – yes forcing something that doesn’t bring joy maybe is something that wasn’t Now time.
Yes it amazing how finishing does free up energy
Being creatives I think we will have many projects on the go.
I must have a closer look at you Creativity lab –
Haha, Suzie I think you wrote this for me. I have sooo many unfinished projects! But sometimes I grow out of them and I feel good leaving them unfinished. But there are also plenty that I need to get sorted! Thanks for the great post!
Hi Shannon,
Yes I think you comment that we grow out os them is true and as I have found some of mine may never see the light of day.
Thanks for you inspiring comment ♡
I think we all have unfinished goals and to-do lists…I know I do. I know what you mean, in that when I do finish something and check it off my list, it empowers me to do more. My vibration rises and I become energized! Thank you for this great post, I’m sure the class was fabulous!
Welcome Deanna
Yes the class was fabulous and I discovered that the projects i had at the top of my list were not that exciting for my amd maybe not giving me my highest outcome. You can get the recording here http://bit.ly/16RXPPk and let me know if you would like to experience a free skype coaching session with Marney- this was how I met her.
Oh my gosh – I do have unfinished projects that are just nagging at me to “get done already”. It is a great feeling when I have a to-do list and I get to check things off, even the little steps of a bigger project, and it opens up so much more room for the new. But I am also learning to be patient about UFPs, they will get done when they are meant to get done – but not from a procrastination standpoint, but an acceptance and allowance one. Really great post!!
Hi Jenny,
I love that: not from a procrastination standpoint, but an acceptance and allowance one Yes procrastination will in my experience see the UFPs list getting longer and giving less joy.
So inspiring!! I have never really thought about loving my unfinished projects, but I love this idea! Thank you!
Yes it is a new idea for me to and the class was brilliant discovered that where I had my energy was not my highest value . I am going to listen to the replay and redo this exercise BTW recording is here http://bit.ly/16RXPPk
I have to be honest and say I have some UFPs. I want to make excuses and blame all kinds of things for them but …This sounds like a good program sounds very good. I wish I had heard about it sooner. Will it be recorded?
yes it will be good and there will be a replay if you sign up and you will not get bombarded with emails. being live is great as you get to talk and share with others too
my list is longer than i would like 🙂
I am a very good starter however a lousy finisher. Great post 🙂
thanks Miriam, something many of us are good at doing – starting 🙂
I did the great clearing and gave all the materials for various projects to a friend. I have a book but that is definitely in the works. I am putting some mental energy to that gain after a few months off. Yes I agree, unfinished projects, they are a draw on the mind. Clearing a bunch of it was definitely releasing.
Hi Laura
Great to hear you are clearing some of your projects and yes it does both clear the mind and the space 🙂