Gratitude Comes From Acceptance
Welcome to Day 2 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge:
(If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just start at the day you have arrived at. The previous days are listed at the bottom of each post)
Today I am feeling full of gratitude, as I woke I started my day by giving thanks for all the blessing I have before I got out of bed, this filled my heart with love and joy.
When you wake up in the morning, this is what you can ask yourself. “What am I truly grateful for in my life?”
Today I drew the Acceptance card from Doreen Virtue’s Daily Guidance from Your Angels oracle deck that I am using this week for the challenge.
Synchronicity in action. This week’s Heart Whisper message was about accepting. 🙂
“Gratitude comes when you are accepting and seeing the abundance that already is.” ~ Suzie Cheel
Today we are going to be accepting of all the abundance that you can see, hear or feel that is in your life right now.
Get your journal and “Be still and listen to the whispers your heart is sharing with you today”
I am sitting in my lounge and looking out to my garden and my heart is whispering:
- I am grateful for sun shining in through the windows as this means shortly I will go to the beach to get my daily walk in and a good dose of Vitamin D for my bones
- I am grateful for all of you wonderful Heart Whisperers that have taken the Gratitude challenge, it makes my heart sing
- I feel the abundance that increases each day when I count my blessing each day.
- I am grateful all the different shades of green I can see in the garden. Mother Nature gives us so much to be grateful for.
- I am grateful for my computer and my internet connection that has allowed my to make so many friends around the world
Todays’Activity: Set an intention for the challenge for YOU: What would you like to change in your life, what would you like to be different on July 31st? You will note I have put YOU in capitals and bolded it as my first intention for this challenge, of course is for you all to increase your love and abundance through giving thanks daily and in the moment. That was what first came up for me and then I got still and listened. If you need help in setting you intention please contact me.
My intention for the Challenge is two fold:
- To increase my financial abundance through being grateful each day and truly counting my blessings.
- To complete The Heart Whisper oracle card deck. My plan is to create 30 new heart whisper paintings through this challenge, some which will become part of the 45 Heart Whisper Card Deck and have it ready for sale.
Please share your intention below so everyone can support you.
( PS if you don’t feel like sharing publicly let me know, so I can support you, if there is enough people I will set up a private Heart Whisper Facebook group)

Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥More FUN ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥ ♥♥”
Links for the challenge; Join In Day 1 Day 2, Day 3, Day 4. Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 10. Day 11, Day 12, Day 13, Day 14. Day 15, Day 16, Day 17, Day 18. Day 19, Day 20, Day 21, Day 22, Day 23, Day 24. Day 25, Day 26, Day 27, Day 28. Day 29, Day 30.
This post is part of the 30 Day Ultimate Blog Challenge
Beautiful post Suzie. I love the examples you give of what you are grateful ful. The one about the window made me see a painting or pastel <3 Enjoy the rest of the weekend!! ~ Nathalie
Thank you Nathalie, yes you could paint a pastel of my garden 🙂 Love Suzie xxx
My intention is to impact, teach and heal 15 more teen girls and 3 more professional women with the power of increased self esteem this month. The blessing is two-fold as I live my highest value by helping others to recognize their own value and self worth!
Thank you for this article it’s a great resource!!
Love, light andconfidence,
The Self Esteem Doctor
Hi Simone welcome and I love your handle The Self-Esteem Dr. and your intention. When we help others increase their love forthemselves we are creating ripples of change ♡♡♡
Always colorfully inspirational Suzie! I have many things on my goal list for the month of July but one thing I am determined to do this month is make room for ME. I somehow manage to accomplish many things and yet consistently leave me for last again and again. I want to turn that around this month so I appreciate the reminder!
Hi Marty,
you always make my heart sing, wonderful, so often we put ME last, I look forward to sharing your success ♡♡♡
My intention is to attract the people who need me. Live life fully and without regret. Shine my light brightly and support others to shine theirs.
Welcome Michelle,
I love your intention, you are such a shining example for others
Thank you Suzie ♡♡♡
My intention for this challenge would be to learn to make the best of each situation.
I need to accept what is and work hard towards what I want to become – being grateful is a fantastic start to achieve both these smaller-goals! 😀
Thanks Suzie
Hi Kitto, and welcome to The challenge. Yes by making the best of every situation we grow and change, happy to be sharing this with you
Suzie ♡♡♡
Here are my intentions, Suzie.
1. To increase my financial abundance ( am also going to start tithing).
2. To get completely healed and to become pain free (I have already given up sugar—-not really hard at all! ). I am also doing several hours of hill walking while listening to inspirational CDs.
Wonderful Jean, Yes I too gave up sugar and never use it even in cooking. I am with you on complete healing too and together we can increase out financial abundance
YEA, Suzie! We are DOING IT TOGETHER!! <3 <3
Absolutely! There is so much to be grateful for. Each day is filled with blessings we must choose to look at!
Welcome Danni thanks for commenting