Are you following your passion?
I mean really, really following your passion. not what you feel you should be doing, or what your colleagues, coach or mentor tells you, you are good at.
What really makes you come alive?
What makes your heart sing?
Gets you up with joy in your heart each morning. Creating ripples of change
But there is a challenge when you are a multi passionate/multi talented person.
I thought my challenges in this area were a thing of the past and I had settled on my my business direction.
I had done the
rebranding, . I have the programs in place. I had worked over my website, practised my elevator pitch.
Although in March of this year I wrote about
the process of change:
Well I thought I was finished with all of that, I had done the rebranding- well not quite finished…….. I have the programs in place for the focus I had pivoted to of Abundance, I think I even promised
no more changes.
I knew there was something missing
I made the shift to having more of a single focus on Abundance. That meant less attention to my Heart Whisper work and my art.
Well come Wednesday morning this week!
Time for my morning ritual that involves drawing one go my Heart Whisper Cards and out came FLOW!
Immediately I heard the whisper :
Well you are not in the flow! So it is time for you to get in the flow of love, of gratitude, of creativity and of abundance.
I was feeling very uncomfortable, Des asked was I okay and I said no, I was close to tears.
We headed to the beach, my happy healing place where I solve many challenges with my beach coach by my side.
I then burst into tears and Des comforted me. He has a soul of patience as he has lived through all these changes this year not to mention the years he had to care for me as I healed.
As I broke down I said : :
I just want to finish my book and share my art with the world. We then talked about what this really meant, for the first time I didn’t care what others thought. believe it a big issue for me.
I knew I had made a breakthrough. A real Shift
There were niggling thoughts of money spent, all that time. But, I saw none of it was wasted. I would still be using my abundance tools but in a different way.
I left the beach feeling lighter but still quite emotional, there was the letting go process still to come.
This was my beach breakthrough!
Later I sat down wrote out a new mission:
MY MISSION : is to teach people to learn to listen to the Whispers of their Heart and inspire them to create ripples of change that then brings more love to themselves, their lives and the world.
My Mission ( not set in stone as I move through this change ) that has come from my what I call is
MY AWAKENING (my dialysis moment):It’s all about love Suzie. You will be healed when you see and feel only love for you first, then you will be all that you have to love and to give. When it is totally anchored in inner peace and that feeling of pure joy that allows the awakening that is already you to emerge. That’s the inspiration, that’s the ripple effect. ~ Suzie 27/7/11
MY VISION: My biggest dream is to complete my book,
Lucky To Be Alive, be speaking to thousands, make that millions online and around the world, with my Heart Whisper Paintings as my backdrop.
Sharing my story of saving my life through really learning to love myself and showing others how to do the same through listening to the whispers of their heart and living their heart’s desire.
This will create ripples of change and bring
more love and more peace to the world. I shared this with
Jenn Scalia in the 5 day
#unleashtheleader challenge that is really helping me move step up into my purpose. The Global
Heart Whisper Movement is now at my forefront.
All of these messages came from listening to the whispers of my heart. So when today I drew the Passion card the words that I wrote at the beginning of the post flowed into my journal and I knew I had come home.
I could feel the lightness in my step and in my heart.
This was supported by a comment on my blog on Thursday morning.
Oh Suzie! What a breath of spring you are! LOVE the art, the words, the essence of all you do. Shine on, brilliant one. You have found your calling ~ Jan Deelstra
I became aware that my heart knew before I did as this comment was on last weeks blog post
The Week’s Simple Meditation
This week I have a new mediation with a new way to calm your mind and then I share a way to tap into your passion.
I would love to hear from you in the comments on whether you found that helped you with your meditation. Did you hear your heart whisper?
Don’t forget to join the Heart Whisperers
All my love

Live with love, smile often and be forever grateful
Please Share this article on your favorite social networks and with your community. This can help others heal and transform their lives. Thank you!”♥♥
Listening to the whispers of your heart brings ♥MoreCOLOR ♥ More LOVE ♥ More ABUNDANCE ♥ AND TRANSFORMS YOUR LIFE. ♥Get you own set of Heart Whisper Oracle cards here or a reading here

You are so beautiful Suzie and I love coming to your blog. It lifts me up and refreshes me each time. Your art and inspiring words always touch me. Today’s in particular was moving for me I am on that journey of complete self-acceptance and self-love.
Thank you for your burst of joy in my mailbox. I give thanks for your posts that always brighten my heart
Suzie, you bring so much sparkle and joy to the world…you are my role model for vibrant living
Join The Heart Whisper Circle
Thank you for this wonderful meditation, Suzie. I like to mix in guided meditations with my regular practice sometimes as a treat when I feel like it. Nice one to add to my collection.
Hi Debbie, Thank you I was asked for some to get started with, so love that it spoke to you. Yes i ten to have my own unguided regular practice too xx
Really enjoyed this. Thank you.
HI Barb, thanks for commenting and love you enjoyed it xx
You know Suzie, as I read your post I could feel your turmoil and then the breakthrough. I suppose its because this year has been a challenging one for me too. I was just talking to a friend yesterday who is a master manifester…and he said “Zee, your problem is focus too much on the HOW.” and that struck me hard. If I trust the Universe then why worry about the HOW. I’m currently reading “Wishes Fulfilled” by Wayne Dyer. I NEED to get out of this limbo state asap!
I love your energy and you. That book will get written.
Love you lots,
Zeenat thank you- yes there was turmoil. The meltdown I think had been a long time coming. We all need to learn to let go and let God- in LOA term allow. – have you done my become more Abundant video series? I think you will like it 🙂 Re the book after reading the comments here I think it might be step back time or it will be next year:) Love and hugs- miss you xxoo
What a beautiful way your heart spoke to you. I’m so excited that you book is foremost in your vision now, Suzie. I feel like I’ve dropped a lot of the shoulds this year and am more aligned with my passion than ever. Yeah!
Thanks Sandra yes I am really listening to my heart. Love reading that you are more aligned with you passion- amazing the way we let it play second fiddle. xxoo
Suzie, this world needs you – and your gifts. Please finish your book. Love yourself and stay in that abundance mindset. The world needs you (I know, I said that already, but it’s true!). Big hugs! xoxo
Jill you are magical- I was in a little state of overwhelm, your post helped and then your comment touched my soul. I am feeling that I might be stepping back to finish the book. So uplifting to read the world needs me you are so special xx
Continue to share your journey and gifts with the world- that is our hearts’ desire!
Yes Kelly it is out heart’s desire , thank you xx
Suzie, love that you go to the beach for wisdom 🙂 Our nature allies can help us through so much.
Hi Lea, Yes the beach is my go to place and nature is my healer xxx
Thank you very much for this post. I am trying myself to write and share things and get my own self on a good track. Just about the time I think I have something figured out, I change direction and that frustrates me. When I see someone else say it though-I can see that this is a sign of growth and acceptance rather than stagnation or lack of resolve.
Sabra I am delighted that my post enlightened you to see that you are growing and being acceptance xx
I’m in awe of your beach breakthrough. Love that Des was there to support you. I’ve gone through a similar shift. As I stopped DOing and got closer to BEing, I started painting. (still makes me giggle) and low and behold, I learned that yes, I can paint! I started writing a lot more. And this time, for me. Just me. And something has profoundly shifted in my writing. I found my voice. And yes, there will be a book but not the one everyone’s expecting.
Peggy firstly we can all paint, somewhere along our journey that innate ability got squashed, Mine was at 12 when I was told I couldn’t draw! I love that you have found your voice. I think I am going to take a leaf out of your book and write each morning so I get my book complete. Did you find it hard to stop doing- I have just found myself DOING again not being. Look forward to the unexpected book xxxooo
As Rachel said you beam love, dear Suzie! Being here is always a happy space and time. And I needed this today as it’s a challenging day for me a dear girlfriend. She gets the “details” of her breast cancer. There are no words. xoxox Prayers sought from Oz.
Lore I love being a beam of love, thank you. Thank you a love that i have created a happy space for you. I have you and you friend in my prayers. Have you heard of Brandon Bays and the Journey her story of healing from Cancer is amazing? Also The Emotion Code. I will send you some links. Lots of people recover xxoo
You amaze you wonderful Suzie. Your post is radiating so much love and light and may you always follow your heart. Can’t wait to ready your book ❤️
Thanks Rachel, your comment makes my heart sing . i do plan now to follow my heart and stay on track 🙂 xx
I love your phrase “the whispers of the heart”.
I have been doing some deep digging in my soul of late, trying to sort out patterns of approval seeking and self sabotage. There have been big shifts for me just today.
Reading this post helps me feel my inner alignment – I love that beautiful card “Flow” (that’s my favourite word)
Thank you <3
Welcome Jude Thank you Yes when we are in the flow magic happens and change occurs I love that my words inspired you xxoo
When I was younger, Suzie, I knew I was out of sync if I felt uneasy or declared that I wasn’t happy. The question then was, what would make me happy? That was usually the moment of introspection and shift.
As we grow older, we lose touch with the real us and for some reason resist The Shift. The kindest thing that we can do for ourselves is to accept that we are evolving beings and don’t need lifetimes or births but that the magic is taking place in this life itself. We simply need to unconditionally love and accept ourselves.
Thanks Vatsala for you wise words, so true : We simply need to unconditionally love and accept ourselves. Funny that my heart seemed to know before I did this time. xx
Moving as always Suzie! I’ve found a surprisingly simple way to know if I am on the right track – when I’m not, my energy is low and it’s a struggle to get going in the morning. When I am, I have more energy and can hardly wait to start each day. Even though there are times I get tired, I have more willpower at my disposal because I am committed to my purpose. These things make a HUGE difference to the quality of each day. Thanks so much for the inspiration!
Hi Marty, yes so true about the energy, it wasn’t until I had the meltdown that I really became aware of how I was trapping myself. this time I feel free, yes waking up earlier ready to get into what i now know is my joy and more. I am letting go of domains, lots of stuff on my computer. Reading through my journals as i get ready to get back into writing my book, I have discovered so much content.
I really appreciate you sharing your process xxx