Be Finishing: Fall in Love with Your Unfinished Projects

* When comes to creative projects, do you feel like you are a great “starter” but not a very good finisher?” ~ Marney Makridakis Do you have a list of uncompleted projects?: that are maybe sitting on you computer….. In your to do book you made specially for all you inspirations that are going to create […]
Do You Say Yes To Your Miraculous You?

Or Do You Sometimes SAY NO? “Keep Charging Ahead and don’t take NO for an answer. Expect miraculous solutions to appear.” When I drew this card from Doreen Virtue’e Healing With The Angels Oracle cards and meditated on the message. The following words tumbled onto the pages of my journal. “Have you been saying no to […]
BE Aware ~ Of The Words You Speak

What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself. ~Abraham Maslow BEach Inspiration: Be Aware of the thoughts you think and the words you speak! I am sure you never hear yourself using these words 🙂 Today while we were walking on the beach Des commented that I had just […]