HOW WILL I SHINE MY LIGHT TODAY? Today’s journal prompt came after I had written to three questions on the pages of my journal Am I shining my true light the true me? How would I show up today? How will I shine my true like today? Number three spoke to my heart Then I […]
BE Trusting Of You And Your Intuition

The more you trust your intuition, the more empowered you become, the stronger you become, and the happier you become. ~ Gisele Bundchen Today’s BEach Inspiration: Be Trusting follows on from the last words I wrote here on Monday: It is time to step back and do some reflection and go inside, listen and TRUST! Does trusting yourself […]
Getting Out Of Your Head and Into Your Heart

Learning to Trust Recently I found this piece of paper tucked away in a pile of papers. It had been written by Elizabeth who I had met a a Doreen Virtue Angel Intuitive weekend where we were both assisting, back about 5 years ago. I had gone to see her for a reading. I had […]