I was walking on the beach with Des and talking about my new tagline BE YOU, GET WEALTHY and I said if people don’t like it that’s too bad! Des said: “Why are you calling in negativity? What if you said ‘AND People will love it!’? Would that attract the people who love it? Not […]
Can You Change Your Life In 28 Days?

Steve Aitchison is challenging you and me to change our thoughts in February. Steve is offering a free course and each day there is an exercise to do that will help to change our life, and as Steve says: “We can’t change our life if we don’t change our thinking habits. This week I talked […]
There is Only One Godself……..

And It’s In Everyone Of Us……. A post by Jeanette Maw at Good Vibe Coach What Quiff are you Poppin ? has both inspired and brought back memories of this song: It’s In Everyone Of Us. The words: there is only one godself and it’s in everyone of us and we grow from that.” were spoken […]