Is There One Thing You Would Love To Change In Your Life?

“Be The Change You Wish To See In The World” ~Gandhi If you were given a magic wand what would you want to change? Do you love change? Do you fear change? Does it excite you? Does it scare you? I used to always love change, saw it as an adventure. The past few years […]
Mind Chatter and Spinning Wheels

Does Your Mind Chatter Disempower You? One morning when I woke up I was drawn to my studio to paint. I had seen an image when I was visioning my day, it was like spinning wheels. The mind chatter was going, not a great way to start one’s day. Do you ever feel like you are spinning your wheels […]
Beyond Our Lines: Prescription 14

Prescription 14 © Suzie Cheel April 2011 ♡ BEYOND OUR LINES This is what I want to do This is exactly how I want to live my life Consciously taking risks and having a good time doing it Expanding my total presence without embarrassment or denial of my power, Your power, divine power – in […]
Eat, Pray, Love – A Journey of Self Discovery

Finding Balance I was excited to read on Facebook from a comment by Rich German at the weekend that the movie of one favorite books Eat,Pray,Love had been released. Unfortunately I have to wait until October 7th before it hits the screens here in Australia. After watching the movie trailer I got my copy of […]