Do You Take Time For You?

Do You Feed Your Inner Child? I drew this card this morning and when I read from the book that comes with 1281407846&sr=8-3and read that I need to have some playtime. Well I had playtime over the weekend, you might have noticed I haven’t kept up to my daily blog posting for The Ultimate Blog […]
Gratitude Gifts and Gain

Today I am grateful for: learning the love overrides fear, from reading 1401924026 the Uplevel Your Life forum, so many amazing like minded people discovering how I really can move forward in my life and the amazing awakening of how I can resist moving forward. realizing how I stop myself being powerful Andrea Hess’s ask […]
5 Key Reasons To Have A Blog As Part Of Your Business Strategy

Does your business need a BLOG? I have a number of friends in business who know I blog but don’t seem to be interested in having a blog. I know many do not see the value of blogging and I often hear them comment: “That’s just an online diary isn’t it?” I then usually go […]
30 Day Blog Challenge: Celebrate Your Success

Are You Empowered By a Challenge? 2 days ago I was awarded the gold trophy for having written 30 blog posts in 30 days. It was a great way to launch this blog. So will I keep going? Yes maybe not with daily posts I am looking at 4 to 5 blog posts a week. […]