Self-Love is The Journey

8 Inspirational Abundance Quotes

The A to Z of Gratitude Currently I have so much to be grateful for. If you haven’t seen my around you can read what’s been happening at Suzie’s Healing Journey. I have had on the drawing board for many months the idea of making an A to Z book of Gratitude with quotes […]
The Winds of Change: Prescription 10

Prescription 10 The wind gently touches my face As I look across my field of dreams I dream about where this might be The color, the texture, the patterns Take me on a fantasy magic carpet ride To distant exotic places where The winds of change Bring freedom, love and joy -Suzie Cheel I would […]
Beach Abundance

Beach Abundance The abundance of the sand, the sun and the sea allow me to reflect on the abundance I have and feel each day as I walk here at Rainbow Bay –Suzie Cheel