Developing a New Habit and Making it Stick!

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~Jim Rohn It’s July 1 a new month and a great time to develop a new habit. Do you often set out with a great intention to start something new, make the plan and somehow not follow through? I know I have. This […]
Each Day Is Unique Prescription 8

Field of Flowers Life is like a beautiful flower Each day as unique As each petal of each. The stem ever lengthening In a strenuous effort to reach the nurturing rays of the sun. The roots ever deepening To draw life from the earth. The swaying fields ever entrancing To the watchful eyes of youth. […]
Does Your Blog Need Some Love?

The Ultimate Blog Challenge Does you blog need a boost, some fresh ideas and maybe even is little TLC? Then joining in the “Ultimate Blog Challenge” that is being run by Michele Scism and Michelle Shaeffer might be just what your blog needs. Why I have decided to join in as while I was doing […]
There is a Fork In The Road: Which Path Will I Take?

Know what you are going to do and then do it and don’t backslide. If you make a mistake make a glorious one. It’s like the man who comes to the tree at the fork in the road and says, “Which way shall I go, this way or that?” Go! Take one way and go. […]