Love Challenge Day 9: You Can Heal Your Life

“In the infinity of life where I am, All is perfect, whole and complete,I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack, I now choose to begin to see myself.As the Universe sees me as perfect, whole, and complete.” ― Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life Welcome to Day 9 of the  […]

The Intuition Principle: Interview with Angela Artemis

How to Attract the Life You Dream Of “The  Intuition principle is about getting in touch with who you are authentically by listening to your intuition.” – Angela Artemis Angela Artemis says  The Intuition Principle  is the key to finding your purpose, living with passion and joy, and heightening your success. It is that inner […]

Creative Women Can

Creative Women Can Rocket in Business 2012: , what a catchy title Shannon Bush has chosen this year for her month long teleseminar series which coincides this week with World Creativity and Innovation week I will be one of the two artists in the Friday spotlight series. Shannon will be talking with me about Creativity, […]

Color Prescription 3: Yellow

yellow chakra

Working with The Color Yellow and The Third Chakra Yellow is the color of sunshine, bananas,  lemons, sunflowers, saffron, topaz, ochre and citrine. Yellow is the color of the third chakra our solar plexus. This is the  warrior chakra and maybe our most challenging chakra. This chakra determines what we believe about ourselves, it is […]