It Takes Courage to Really Let Go

The word courage originally comes from the Latin cor-of the heart Courage in this case is to face your fear, any nagging doubts that stop you shining your light Courage is about facing your DEMONS. It’s about being BRAVE. How can you be […]
When You Love You The Doors To Prosperity Open

Prosperity Comes When Fully LOVE You I have started to journal my way to riches each day. I asked myself the question before I did my oracle card reading : why am I feeling stuck in relation to my income? You could ask this in relation to your life, health, relationship, income or business. I chose the […]
Do You Find it Easy To Receive Love?

Yes this original painting is for sale details at the bottom of the post. Do You Believe You Are Worthy of Receiving Love? Do you really believe in you own self-worth? When I drew the Receive Oracle Card this week I was reminded of how I used to be on receiving love and deflecting compliments. We […]
10 Simple Ways To Love You Daily

Feel the love within you, allow it to say, “I love you”, and give yourself an inner Namaste. How Do You Love You Daily? It is time to be your own valentine. My thoughts turned to the many ways I do love myself daily. Besides being Valentine’s day, it is also for time to really […]