Luis Angel Diaz: Memory in The Cells

Memory in the cells

Inner Peace is our birthright!”-Luis Angel Diaz Today I have the great pleasure of being the host on Day number 1 of the Virtual Blog Tour for the book  Memory in the Cells by author Luis Angel Diaz. Newly translated from the popular Spanish edition, author Luis Diaz describes his book Memory in the Cells […]

12 Things I Wish I Had Known Earlier In My Life…

My Younger self

I want to thank Tess Marshall and her post Life’s lessons for a younger self that led me to Abubakar Jamil and the  Life Lessons Series.  Abubakar invited Personal Development Bloggers to write about stuff you wish you had known earlier in life. I have been reflecting recently on my life and lessons I have […]

Is Your Ego Your Friend?

Does Your Ego Stop You From Moving Forward? You might see yourself in this story……Friday I had a big aha and knew that I was moving forward. My computer kept giving my the message that it was almost out of memory!!! My mac had recently been at the Apple DR for some serious repairs and […]

The Power of Self Acceptance

My Morning Message Each Morning after I have meditated and been grateful  I choose from one of my many decks of oracle cards and draw a card for the day. Today’s card reminded me of an affirmation I developed many years ago when doing Insight 1  20 years ago I am strong creative and free, […]