A Way To Find Courage

write away your fear

Write Away Your Fear Where you are at now is okay Be with what is Not what might be Acknowledge the courage and the strength That took you to this point. When the whirlwind churns in your mind Take out your pen and write in me I’ll help you through the fear, the pain and […]

Monday Inspiration: Be The Change

Be The Change

When you combine love with action you become an architect of change– Deepak Chopra Last week I listened to some of the Womens Conference: It was for me very timely as well as inspiring. The theme of the opening session was IT’S TIME! BE AN ARCHITECT OF CHANGE. I was moved  and inspired by  Deepak […]

Be Inspired: Be Bold

Beach Inspirations: Bold

Monday Inspiration On a Wednesday:) Are You Ready For A Bold Life? Being bold means taking responsibility for your dreams. Being bold means making bold choices. Being bold means thinking big. Being bold means making an impact. Being bold means taking risks. Being bold means refusing to be confined. Being bold means making a difference. […]