Why Me Time Can Create The Difference You Have Been Longing For?

Focus on FREEDOM by making sure you give yourself ME TIME each day and then the KNOWING you are enough comes easily So important to take, what I am calling the golden hour each day, time that is just for you. Today my body must’ve had a knowing. 🙂 I spent a large part of […]

YES, YOU ARE LOVE Recently my soul was fully cracked open in a beautiful laser coaching session with Regan Hillyer, Juan Pablo Barahona and Tamara X Hume under the marquee on the tennis courts at #Freedomfest2019 at the Royal Pines Resort, here on the Gold Coast. On the first day Regan took us through […]

YES: ABUNDANCE DOES COMES THROUGH LOVE Where are you going? Are you on the path to love? These were my meditation/journaling questions Then I drew one of my favorite cards : ABUNDANCE So how does my question relate to abundance? Abundance comes when we embrace the love that is within. So when we stray away […]
Do You Talk To Your Guides Each Day?

What Do My Guides Want Me To Know Today? I was shuffling my deck of cards. Focusing on my heart and some cards flew to the floor I then turned over the top card was YOUR HEART KNOWS This is the focus card for me today That said to me it is time to do […]