Do You Say Yes To Your Miraculous You?

Or Do You Sometimes SAY NO? “Keep Charging Ahead and don’t take NO for an answer. Expect miraculous solutions to appear.” When I drew this card from Doreen Virtue’e Healing With The Angels Oracle cards and meditated on the message. The following words tumbled onto the pages of my journal. “Have you been saying no to […]
BEach Inspiration: BE Finishing

Do not plan for ventures before finishing what’s at hand. – Euripides The Power of Finishing What You Have Started is Empowering! Do you have plans for new ventures while still have a list of programs and products sitting there waiting to be completed so they can be shared with the world? Not to mention […]
Louise Hay on Change With Love and Intuition

The Woman Who Started It All You Can Heal Your Life has been on my bookshelf since Louise Hay first published it back in1984 . No, not the original copy as checking through it for both myself, friends and family that first edition fell apart, that copy fell apart from constant use. You Can Heal […]
BEach Inspirations: Be Enough

You alone are enough, you have nothing to prove to anybody- Maya Angelou Today’s BEach Inspiration to Be Enough is something I know I have struggled with. When I allow my inner critic to move me from my heart to my head up come the feelings of not being enough then not being good enough […]