Color Prescription 4: Green and The Heart Chakra

Working with The Color Green and The Heart Chakra Green is the color of energy and abundance, of nature, of apples and pears, of limes, of broccoli, kale, spinach, peas and beans, of balance and harmony, of growth and money, of jade and malachite Green presents in so many shades and hews. As I look out […]
Be Positive: 7 Ways To Raise Your Vibes

Today I choose to be positive in who I be, how I am and what I say. and I feel my inner critic fall away as my heart opens to love ~ Suzie Cheel Some days it is easy to be positive, I wake up full of gratitude I meditate draw an oracle card, journal, […]
Be Celebrating You

Do You Celebrate You? Thanks to Lisa Murray for her post Stop Comparing Start Celebrating that I discovered the Declaration of Blog Lovin Tour and decided to join in. This weeks topic Celebration was at the front of my mind. I thought of the post I wrote a year ago Are you Celebrating Your Life […]
Be Releasing of What Holds You Back

Beach Inspiration: Be Releasing. Forgiveness is the key to letting go. Forgiveness isn’t about releasing him or her, its about releasing you! -anon When we let go and release: the fear of what if this or maybe that, the unknown the fear of failure the fear of rejection the “I am not good enough” syndrome […]