How to Meditate and Listen To Your Heart Whisper

A Simple Way To Start Meditating Today’s post has come in response to a request from Heart Whisperer Kim Stanley Lawyer when I posted the Heart Whisper Daily guidance card  Your Heart Knows yesterday in the Heart Whisper Circle. So today when I drew the Listen Card  I knew it was time to create a simple […]

Are You Ready To Attract Abundance In August?

August Heart Whisper Reading

August Abundance + The Heart Whisper Reading I decided last week after being interviewed by Heather Bestel, the founder of The Happiness Garden where I am the guest expert on Law of Attraction and Abundance for the month. Heather has interviewed me and says this : Suzie has been using the magic of manifesting and principles of Law […]

When You Be Love Your Life Changes

Our soul purpose is to be and express love. We dream of love, we yearn for love, and we make love, but rarely do we realize that we are love-Debra Reble How Loving Yourself Can Change the World Today’s post is a guest post from my good friend Dr. Debra Reble, whose book Being Love launches today.  You […]