10 Simple Ways To Love You Daily

Feel the love within you, allow it to say, “I love you”, and give yourself an inner Namaste. How Do You Love You Daily? It is time to be your own valentine. My thoughts turned to the many ways I do love myself daily. Besides being Valentine’s day, it is also for time to really […]
Did You Choose Your Word For 2017?

Have you chosen you word for 2017 Do you have one word to guide you and your life and/or business this year? if not do you think you will? I find the process helpful. It forces me to look at what’s important for my life and business, not just what’s urgent or maybe even interesting […]
How to Open The Pathway To Abundance With Passion

The Energies of December The Heart Whisper Card Reading for December was for me both powerful and in so in sync with my Focus on Abundance challenge that starts this week. Here is the reading on the cards and the energy as I felt the energies, Here is a meditation for you to help anchor in the energies […]
Discover Inner Peace Now: Listen To The Whispers Of Your Heart

Heart Whisper Meditation On Inner Peace Inner peace is something so many strive for. That calm quiet when your life is in harmony, You have let go of all those judgements that lower your vibes You love and accept yourself exactly as you are You know you are more than enough Today when I was shuffling my Heart […]