Creating Change by Coloring The World.

Two Weeks of Joy and Frustration. Has anyone noticed an energy shift in their lives over these past 2 weeks? I have been experiencing a personal shift that had me refocusing my business purpose to align better with my life purpose. It hasn’t been easy. Two weeks ago there was a new moon that I read was […]
Rainbows: A Symbol of Hope and New Life

I love rainbows and my life seems to be embracing rainbows more and more each day. I walk most days at Rainbow Bay beach where we do see rainbows, one of my best friends is Stephanie Rainbow Bell. Rainbows were also a big part of my healing journey I have been painting lots of rainbow […]
Be Desiring: Creating Your Heart’s Desire

Creating comes from your heart and your gut ~ Sonia Choquette Are You Embracing Your Hearts Desire? Part 1 Although I usually wake up early in the morning,for the past month or so I have tended to pull the covers up and dose off again. Not today! When I woke up at 4.15am, still dark, instead […]
Intuitive Heart #19: Rainbow Healing

” “My opening heart is blessed by the healing rainbow”-Suzie♡ I did see a rainbow today as I was watering the garden and from a crystal I have hanging outside. I also started to wear my rainbow healing bracelet again. I heard a little whisper during meditation that I need to put back onto my […]