LOVE đź’ś JOY 🧡 FLOW When I step onto the path of love The one of Real Radical Self Love 
 I wake every day with the words I love you Suzie on my lips I give myself an inner namaste 🙏
 My heart smiles I have accepted that I am worthy I know and feel […]
Are Your Blocking Your Own Abundance?

The importance of releasing abundance blocks is, obviously, that this is essential for allowing abundance to flow. I recognise that one of my abundance blocks right now is hanging onto artworks that  keep telling myself I am going to to sell and share with others. Hiding them away in my studio doesn’t delight anyone 🙂 […]
What To Do When The Radical Self-Love Angel Comes Knocking!

Does the Universe ever surprise you? Sneak up on you like it’s been watching and waiting? Well it did for me this week. Last Friday I completed my chapter for a book on Self Love and emailed it off. I felt good about what I had written. I then planned to write my weekly blog […]