Discover Your True Passion: Listen To The Whispers Of Your Heart

Are you following your passion? I mean really, really following your passion. not what you feel you should be doing, or what your colleagues, coach or mentor tells you, you are good at. What really makes you come alive? What makes your heart sing? Gets you up with joy in your heart each morning. Creating […]
Creating Change by Coloring The World.

Two Weeks of Joy and Frustration. Has anyone noticed an energy shift in their lives over these past 2 weeks? I have been experiencing a personal shift that had me refocusing my business purpose to align better with my life purpose. It hasn’t been easy. Two weeks ago there was a new moon that I read was […]
Weekend Abundance and Gratitude

Sometimes weekends are both full of abundance and are magical. The weekend just passed was one of those. I also have so many things to be grateful for. The magic of the morning beach walk a drive in the countryside of The beautiful Tweed Valley the magic of Mount Warning, there is a special energy […]
Take The Passion Test

You can take the Passion Test and discover if you are living your passion.