Nice To Meet You, What Do You Do?

“I prefer not to answer that question because I am more than what I do, but I’d like to ask you a question, ‘What’s awesome about your life?’”~Lissa Rankin This morning I accepted an invitation to a local business networking event next Wednesday night. As recently as a day ago that acceptance would have been […]
Discover The Missing Piece to Abundant Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness

Interview with Noah St John author of The Book of Afformations Do you know about afformations? I know I had seen the word, but had never taken any real interest. Recently I was invited to interview Afformation founder Noah St John as part of the launch of The Book of Afformations. On Tuesday morning […]
Be Positive: 7 Ways To Raise Your Vibes

Today I choose to be positive in who I be, how I am and what I say. and I feel my inner critic fall away as my heart opens to love ~ Suzie Cheel Some days it is easy to be positive, I wake up full of gratitude I meditate draw an oracle card, journal, […]
Do You Say Yes To Your Miraculous You?

Or Do You Sometimes SAY NO? “Keep Charging Ahead and don’t take NO for an answer. Expect miraculous solutions to appear.” When I drew this card from Doreen Virtue’e Healing With The Angels Oracle cards and meditated on the message. The following words tumbled onto the pages of my journal. “Have you been saying no to […]