21 Tips To Follow Your Dreams

Are you following or chasing your dreams? Yatin Khulbe from Buddytation ~Untraditional Self Improvement Blog asked yours truly plus 40 Self-Development experts to share their 3 tips to follow a dream life?”and then he put them all into a great blog post: How to follow your dreams? 41 Experts sharing the SECRET This morning I drew the Dream Walker Card from Collette […]
Do You Let Your Past Go So You Can Move Forward?

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need.– Tao Te Ching Today’s post was inspired by drawing the card Let Your Past Go from The Daily Guidance from Your Angels Deck and then seeing the quote […]
Have You Shared Your Soul Story With The World?

Sharing My Soul Story: Today I am honoured that my soul story has been shared on Soul Speak by Jodi Chapman. “Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing.” ― Thérèse de Lisieux: Story of a Soul, Chapter VIII So what is a Soul Story? Jodi says: It’s that moment in your life when you realized […]
Do You Believe in You?

When we believe we can and take action on that belief we can soar and shine out light for all the world to see. We regain lost confidence, we heal, we drop the fear and the what if this or maybe that. When we let go and believe, we can then star in our […]