Are You Ready To Attract Abundance In August?

August Abundance + The Heart Whisper Reading I decided last week after being interviewed by Heather Bestel, the founder of The Happiness Garden where I am the guest expert on Law of Attraction and Abundance for the month. Heather has interviewed me and says this : Suzie has been using the magic of manifesting and principles of Law […]
A Simple Way To Allow Abundance To Flow

Would you like to have more abundance flowing into all areas of your life? YES! I hear you answer 🙂 I know I am always looking for different ways to allow my life to flow into a bigger river of abundance. When I more abundance flowing I can make a bigger difference to my life and the […]
Abundance is a Feeling

Abundance is a feeling, we are surrounded by abundance every day, sometimes we don’t see the small things that do create abundance. If we raise our awareness we be in the feeling of abundance. We need to embrace the feeling of being abundant by celebrating in the moment when we notice the abundance flowing in. Today […]
Your May Abundance Reading

The Focus For May Is Freedom The Heart Whisper Oracle card reading sets the focus for May. Starting with the Freedom card with the underlying message of letting go of fear. This can lead to being and feeling and having more abundance and joy in you life. Watch the video and reflect. See what arises for you as you listen to the messages. […]