Intuitive Heart for 11/11/11

Today’s intuitive heart started it’s life in quite a different form and when I woke up this morning after doing an 11/11/11 manifesting meditation that Andrea Hess sent me, I was drawn to over paint the image with colors that were suggested in the meditation and with an abundance of hearts representing the millions of […]
Color Prescription I: Red and The First Chakra

Working with The Color Red and The First Chakra The color red has many moods, many meanings,many messages Red is the color of fire, love and passion Of fear and anger Red can energise you Red can depress you Red stirs the the senses and ignites the emotions Red excites and stimulates A red light […]
Do You Follow The Guidance Your Higher Self Gives You?

Choosing to follow your higher guidance gives you more freedom Those words resonated for me as Freedom is one of my primary values. This wisdom flash is part of Sonia Choquettes new online Ask You Guides Course. This expands on Sonia’s Book of the same name and the oracle card deck I am using in […]
Memories Flood In Prescription 20

Prescription 20 started out as a black and white photocopy of some textile work I did two years ago. I then painted into the work with pinks and oranges that you can se on the left. I then over painted the background of Prescription 20 and let it dry. The next morning I went […]