Do Your Trust Your Hunches, Your Gut And Your Heart Whispers?

Trust your hunches. They’re usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level. Joyce Brothers Do you follow those hunches and nudges that push you outside of your comfort zone? Does that feeling in your gut make you feel uncomfortable? Do you listen to the whispers of your heart? Or do the noises […]
BEach Inspirations: Be Creative

“Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts” – Rita Mae Brown “But I am not creative I hear you say! Yes we all are creative, often we just haven’t untapped out creative juices. Being creative is more than being able to draw, or paint, to make music or write poetry. Creativity is cooking, dancing, arranging […]
Do You Find It Hard To Ask For Help? I Do!

Please Help Me Move Forward Moving forward and letting go means asking for help and this can stop us moving forward. Now it is time for me to let go, so I can move forward and I am asking you to help me in this process. After 16 months on a journey to vibrant wellness […]
Painting Through the Pain: Healing Through Art

“Creativity opens the door to the healing pathway”~ Suzie Cheel On Monday afternoon I decided to head from the bed to my studio and paint through the pain I was feeling in my back and ribs. I had a white piece of paper on the table and was drawn to the watercolour crayons. I noticed […]