Reigniting My Creative Spirit

Creativity is the door that opens my heart and listens to the whispers of my soul”.-Suzie Cheel There Was Something Missing In My Life….. I had let my creativity have a holiday that was too long. I realised that I had only painted twice since before we moved, so that was from back in November. That was […]
Creativity, Color and Chakras

7 Days of Creativity: A Painting Meditation Don’t you just love it when the universe opens up an opportunity that you heart has been desiring? My creativity had been on holiday for too long. Somehow I wasn’t being drawn into my studio to allow my creative heart to open. That happened for me last week. […]
Mind Chatter and Spinning Wheels

Does Your Mind Chatter Disempower You? One morning when I woke up I was drawn to my studio to paint. I had seen an image when I was visioning my day, it was like spinning wheels. The mind chatter was going, not a great way to start one’s day. Do you ever feel like you are spinning your wheels […]
Heart Whisper Original Art on Your Wall Every Month in 2014
A Different Calendar – Heart Whisper Do you ever despair at finding a calendar that is different from all the others? Despair no longer! Each month in 2014 this calendar will inspire you to listen to the whispers of your heart. Your can use the Heart Whisper Painting each month as a meditation tool. Light […]