Just Be YOU!

TODAY JUST BE YOU Today’s Whisper asks: What does my heart want me to know today? This was the question I asked myself. Then I drew the Heart Whisper Card: JUST BE Then came the words: Yes just be you, stop trying to be all things to all people, like you think you should be! […]
Is The Flame of Passion Lighting Up Your Life?

When you follow the path of your heart the flame of passion will light up your life. This card inspired these questions that flowed onto the pages of my journal……… What is your true passion? What drives you to live fully from your heart? What is it that feeds your soul? I wrote: Setting others […]
Can You See The Perfection That Is You?

When Do Your Believe That You Are Perfect In This Moment? “When we se the perfection that we are, then we see how simple life truly is. Sometimes it is getting to the perfection that we are is the challenge. “ ~ Suzie The title of today’s blog post and the words of the heart […]
How to Create A Rush Of Love To YOU!

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Ralph Waldo Emerson Create A Rush of Love I Love You, I Really Love You……. How often do you say those words to yourself? How often do you stand in front of the mirror and said I love […]