Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge Day 17: Confidently Say Yes To You

Heart Whisper GC Day 17

I say yes to love I say yes to life I say yes to me and My heart whispers Thank You ~Suzie Welcome to Day 17 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just […]

Day 5: Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge


When I appreciate  and love myself  fully,  judgement falls away,  joy expands,  there is trust,  respect just is  and I feel  the peace within. .– Suzie Cheel Welcome to Day 4 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge: (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just […]

Day 4: Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge

Heart Charka Painting

Giving thanks daily is the doorway to love.– Suzie Cheel Welcome to Day 4 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge: (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just start at the day you have arrived at. The previous days are listed at […]

Can Waiting Be A Good Thing?


Do You Like To Wait? Or does waiting suck for you? Maybe you are good at waiting? Waiting can be a sign to relax and practice patience. Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting. –Joyce Meyer I have become much better at practicing patience. I know this has […]