Creativity, Color and Chakras

7 Days of Creativity: A Painting Meditation Don’t you just love it when the universe opens up an opportunity that you heart has been desiring? My creativity had been on holiday for too long. Somehow I wasn’t being drawn into my studio to allow my creative heart to open. That happened for me last week. […]
Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge Day 20: Believe in You

When I believe and let go, I can then star in my own life and create a ripple effect of change ~Suzie Welcome to Day 20 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just […]
Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge Day 19: I Love and Respect Me

[Tweet “Celebrate the gift you are to yourself and the world ~Suzie.”] Welcome to Day 19 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just start at the day you have arrived at. The previous […]
Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge Day 18: Do You Pay Attention To Your Dreams?

Dreams are the whispers your heart awakens you to take action on~Suzie Welcome to Day 18 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just start at the day you have arrived at. The previous […]