Do You Find it Easy To Receive Love?

Yes this original painting is for sale details at the bottom of the post. Do You Believe You Are Worthy of Receiving Love? Do you really believe in you own self-worth? When I drew the Receive Oracle Card this week I was reminded of how I used to be on receiving love and deflecting compliments. We […]
10 Simple Ways To Love You Daily

Feel the love within you, allow it to say, “I love you”, and give yourself an inner Namaste. How Do You Love You Daily? It is time to be your own valentine. My thoughts turned to the many ways I do love myself daily. Besides being Valentine’s day, it is also for time to really […]
How To Fill Your Life With Love

LISTEN Are You Really, Really Listening To The Whispers of Your Heart? This is the painting that I did for the Listen card from the Heart Whisper Daily Guidance Oracle Card Deck. It was the card I drew today as the focus for the day that inspired the meditation I did in the Heart Whisperers group. Here […]
What Is Your Heart Whispering This Week?

Weekly Heart Whisper Reading October 24th This weeks’ Heart Whisper reading brings a message of love, allowing and hope, In the video I explain how I drew the cards and how the message flows from my heart. ( 7 mins ) Here are the words from my journal this morning. When we smile we raise our vibes, our […]