Help Alex Blackwell Achieve His BHAG

Alex Blackwell aka The Bridgemaker has set himself a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Alex has set himself a 3 month goal to increase the membership/subscribers to The Bridgemaker form 2500 to 10,000. He is calling this the Fall membership drive. I love people who set themselves BHAGs and when I read what Alex is doing […]
Delivering Happiness
This week I discovered there was a wonderful new happiness movement after watching the Happy Wrap- Take One on Tess Marshall’s wonderful inspiring The Bold Life. This is is part of the Delivering Happiness Bus Tour which is a movement that has developed from Tony Hsieh CEO of Zappos and author of the book 0446563048 Tony […]
Are you a Linchpin? Or Does Your Lizard Brain Stop You?

Do you get stopped when you know you are ready to be the artist who ships? Does The Lizard Brain stop you. This is where the resistance comes in…… The lizard brain is that little voice inside your head that tells you that it’s too risky or that you should just follow orders. It is […]
Smile and The World Smiles With You

The Power of a Smile Yesterday my friend Lance from The Jungle of Life posted this video and this beautiful quote: “There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all.”– anon This video was created in conjunction with The Levity Project. One world, One smile. Lance was instrumental in encouraging […]