Kindness is………

Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. – Mark Twain Alex Blackwell from The Bridgemaker word for the year is kindness and he now has a goal for March The goal of the month-long project is to encourage people to perform one act of kindness daily. Hopefully, kindness […]
Monday Inspiration: Choice

“Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your choices taking your life? What do your behaviors demonstrate that you are saying yes or no to in life?”– Eric Allenbaugh What choices will you make today to say yes to life?
Oprah Flies Over: Suzie and Her BHAG Move On

Emergings is released to the world So many people asked me did I get on Oprah, sadly no and I am continuing with my BHAG to inspire and empower a million people to be agents of change in the world. What I call Change Warriors. Today I am launching a special package based on my […]
Be Inspired: Be Bold

Monday Inspiration On a Wednesday:) Are You Ready For A Bold Life? Being bold means taking responsibility for your dreams. Being bold means making bold choices. Being bold means thinking big. Being bold means making an impact. Being bold means taking risks. Being bold means refusing to be confined. Being bold means making a difference. […]