Do You Welcome Money Into Your Life?

Interview with Jane Duncan Rogers My security does not depend on what I have in the bank ~ Jane Duncan Rogers This week I spoke with Jane about her fascinating life the highs and the lows, her business Wild Wisdom and her new money program the Radical Income Welcome Tool Kit. We met through Leonie Dawson’s […]
Do You Love You?

Loving you is the closest thing there is to heaven.~ Author Unknown Do You really really LOVE You? Can you look in the mirror and joyfully say : “I LOVE YOU. I REALLY LOVE YOU” How often do you look in the mirror and say I love you? Once a day? Maybe more? Or never? […]
Heart Whisper Original Art on Your Wall Every Month in 2014
A Different Calendar – Heart Whisper Do you ever despair at finding a calendar that is different from all the others? Despair no longer! Each month in 2014 this calendar will inspire you to listen to the whispers of your heart. Your can use the Heart Whisper Painting each month as a meditation tool. Light […]
What Does Your Inner Wisdom Want You To Know Today?

Do You Pay Attention To The Messages You Receive From Your Angels? Maybe you feel a little nudge, a whisper in your ear? Yesterday I heard as I was preparing to meditate “Do a card reading first!” I picked up my Daily Guidance Oracle cards from Doreen Virtue and started to shuffle the cards. While […]