The Secrets to Self-Loving

It‘s Self-Love Day Today has so many love instances for me. As I am on my own self-love journey as part of my current healing, I was excited. I have been struggling with my own journey and have been building my own tools and resources. So when: I drew this wonderful love balloon card from […]
Self Love Story: I Am Me And I Love Me!

Do you love yourself? Are you comfortable in your own skin? Do you own all of you? I found this card when I was cleaning up my studio on Saturday. This was created 25 years ago and was the affirmation that I gave to myself back in an Insight 11 The Opening Heart Seminar in […]
A Love Prescription

Prescription #16 Does your heart sing As you greet the day Do you feel the love That comes from within What story will Your soul share today? Live in abundance, be the change and make a difference TODAY! If you enjoyed this article please subscribe and share it on Twitter and Facebook by using the […]

Sometimes……………….. Sometimes, we jump to conclusions and make assumptions of another person Sometimes, we have pre-conceived ideas and we judge another person – perhaps their past has been different than yours, race, religion, colour, sexual orientation, and upbringing Sometimes, those assumptions can break hearts – theirs and yours Sometimes, we say things out of guilt, […]