YES: ABUNDANCE DOES COMES THROUGH LOVE Where are you going? Are you on the path to love? These were my meditation/journaling questions Then I drew one of my favorite cards : ABUNDANCE So how does my question relate to abundance? Abundance comes when we embrace the love that is within. So when we stray away […]
What Is Your Heart Whispering This Week?

Weekly Heart Whisper Reading October 24th This weeks’ Heart Whisper reading brings a message of love, allowing and hope, In the video I explain how I drew the cards and how the message flows from my heart. ( 7 mins ) Here are the words from my journal this morning. When we smile we raise our vibes, our […]
True Freedom Is In The Journey

What does your perfect journey to freedom look like? How does that make you feel? I asked this question on my facebook page on Monday and the answers got me thinking about the journey to freedom in new inspired ways. When I started blogging back in 2006 on the Abundance Highway: The tagline was Journey to Freedom. I […]
Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge Day 13: Letting Go of Fear NOW

Today I release all fear The coulds, the shoulds,the woulds. The what if this or maybe that? I release everything that I have allowed to block me. I let go and release all that stops me being present. This frees me… I hear my heart whisper Thank you! Welcome to Day 13 of The Heart […]