What To Do When The Radical Self-Love Angel Comes Knocking!

Does the Universe ever surprise you? Sneak up on you like it’s been watching and waiting? Well it did for me this week. Last Friday I completed my chapter for a book on Self Love and emailed it off. I felt good about what I had written. I then planned to write my weekly blog […]
Louise Hay on Change With Love and Intuition

The Woman Who Started It All You Can Heal Your Life has been on my bookshelf since Louise Hay first published it back in1984 . No, not the original copy as checking through it for both myself, friends and family that first edition fell apart, that copy fell apart from constant use. You Can Heal […]
Love Challenge Day 9: You Can Heal Your Life

“In the infinity of life where I am, All is perfect, whole and complete,I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack, I now choose to begin to see myself.As the Universe sees me as perfect, whole, and complete.” ― Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life Welcome to Day 9 of the […]
Tapping (EFT) Does Brings Change and Healing

“I see EFT as a method that stimulates the body’s electrical meridian system enabling a release of stuck patterns of emotions, beliefs and behaviors.The meridian tapping therapy process enables our natural intelligence, creativity and resourcefulness to re-emerge. -Gary Craig Louise Hay author of You Can Heal Your Life talks with Nick Ortner before the start […]