Beach Inspiration: Be Joy

Joy floods in when you are connected to the you that loves unconditionally- Suzie Cheel BE Joy When we experience feelings of true joy we usually have feelings of love and are at peace within ourselves. There can be feelings of pure bliss and excitement too. The word joy for me is a feel good […]
BEach Inspirations: Be Creative

“Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts” – Rita Mae Brown “But I am not creative I hear you say! Yes we all are creative, often we just haven’t untapped out creative juices. Being creative is more than being able to draw, or paint, to make music or write poetry. Creativity is cooking, dancing, arranging […]
Wishing You Calm, Hope and Joy

This morning I heard the words wishing you calm, hope and joy spoken by the priest at St Peter’s in Coolangatta.. These words touched my heart and I came home and added them to the painting I had done for Christmas along with love and peace. With gratitude and in abundance always Namaste
Painting Out The Pain

Painting opens my heart to joy and frees my body of the pain– Suzie Cheel The past few weeks I have been waking up with pain where I have my crush fracture and I usually start the day with meditation and EFT. One morning I heard the inner voice suggest :Why not paint out the […]