Heart Whisper Original Art on Your Wall Every Month in 2014
A Different Calendar – Heart Whisper Do you ever despair at finding a calendar that is different from all the others? Despair no longer! Each month in 2014 this calendar will inspire you to listen to the whispers of your heart. Your can use the Heart Whisper Painting each month as a meditation tool. Light […]
Making Art Every Day Is Empowering

In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine. –Ralph Waldo Emerson On November 1st, I joined the The Art Every Day month challenge that Leah Piken Kolidas has been running for 10 years. and yes I have painted every day. Some days more than once. 🙂 It was back in April 2011 that […]
Being Strong Allows You To Step Into Your Greatness

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. ~ unknown Be Strong…..those words today have a very different meaning for me than they used to have. To be strong used to mean for me keeping a stiff upper lip, stand tall, holding in my feelings and keeping […]
Do Your Trust Your Hunches, Your Gut And Your Heart Whispers?

Trust your hunches. They’re usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level. Joyce Brothers Do you follow those hunches and nudges that push you outside of your comfort zone? Does that feeling in your gut make you feel uncomfortable? Do you listen to the whispers of your heart? Or do the noises […]