Is The Flame of Passion Lighting Up Your Life?

When you follow the path of your heart the flame of passion will light up your life. This card inspired these questions that flowed onto the pages of my journal……… What is your true passion? What drives you to live fully from your heart? What is it that feeds your soul? I wrote: Setting others […]
Abundance is a Feeling

Abundance is a feeling, we are surrounded by abundance every day, sometimes we don’t see the small things that do create abundance. If we raise our awareness we be in the feeling of abundance. We need to embrace the feeling of being abundant by celebrating in the moment when we notice the abundance flowing in. Today […]
How To Do A 12 Month Oracle Card Reading

Choose a deck of cards, naturally this year I am using my own Heart Whisper Oracle Cards. In the past I have used either Doreen Virtue, Colette Baron-Reid or Sonia Choquette decks. Don’t have a deck of cards?
My Resting Heart: Creativity 10 x 10: Day 8

The title for today’s painting came as I posted the image to the page. When I started painting this morning I used a fan brush and for the first time in this series, acrylic paints rather than the watercolors I have used for the past week. The waves of the sea came to mind as […]