Nice To Meet You, What Do You Do?

“I prefer not to answer that question because I am more than what I do, but I’d like to ask you a question, ‘What’s awesome about your life?’”~Lissa Rankin This morning I accepted an invitation to a local business networking event next Wednesday night. As recently as a day ago that acceptance would have been […]
Color Prescription 6: Indigo and The Third Eye Chakra

Working with The Color Indigo and The Third Eye Chakra “Learning to see is a matter of learning how to look and of having the patience to look long enough to find what you are seeking”~ Anodea Judith Indigo is the color of the deep midnight sky, of denim, of intuition and perception and is said to […]
Being Vulnerable ~ Being Brave, Showing Up And Being Seen

Vulnerability is having the courage to show up and be seen. Baring your souls without any guarantees- Brené Brown Last Tuesday I invested almost 2 hours listening to Dr Brené Brown author of Daring Greatly talking on Oprah’s Life Class on Vulnerability. I was hooked I took pages of notes, tweeted out the many gems that […]
Does Your Heart Dance With Joy Each Day?

“My heart dances with joy”- Suzie Cheel Letting My Creativity Out To Play One of my intentions for August was to paint each day. This week I realised this still wasn’t happening for me! On Wednesday I decided to head into the studio. It was time to start a NEW Intuitive Heart Series. I had painted […]