Today I am sitting at Snapper Rocks in the healing sun. Currently I have been really slowed down by a dose of sciatica and a sore throat, not something I am enjoying. Below are the words that flowed as I shuffled my cards while gazing into the magic blues of the sea.. By being BOLD. […]
Do You Ask Your Heart Whispers To Guide You On Your Why?

I drew the ask card from Daily Guidance with your Angels on Thursday morning and then I read Nicole Cody’s post “That Asking Space”. This was on asking for your why. I felt that there was a big message for me here. Ms Independence has had a challenge asking for help, anyone else get that? […]
A Gift of Gratitude

Gratitude is the most passionate transformative force in the cosmos. If you give thanks for five gits every day, in two months you may not look at your life in the same way as you might now.’ — Sarah Ban Breathnach We don’t celebrate thanksgiving in Australia, although it is something I do daily. I […]
Falls In The Night, Patience And Getting To Stillness

“The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen.” ~ Ralph Marston I have become a modeller of patience- something my friend Heather Bestel aka The Feel Good Fairy called me recently. I […]