When You Love You The Doors To Prosperity Open

Prosperity Comes When Fully LOVE You!

Prosperity Comes When Fully LOVE You I have started to journal my way to riches each day. I asked myself the question before I did my oracle card reading : why am I feeling stuck in relation to my income? You could ask this in relation to your life, health, relationship,  income or business. I chose the […]

How To Empower Yourself Through Hope

“With hope you awaken yourself to miracles, where the impossible become possible”   Hope was the card I drew twice this week and I was reminded of a recent conversation with a friend who  walked beside me on my healing journey, that I give people hope. Even when the chips are down I always present […]

How Will You Follow Your Passion This Month?


Welcome to May- Let’s all live with and follow our passion. Passion is the Heart Whisper Focus for the month and in the video I share the reading that I received on May 1 ( 6.51 mins)   Say yes to the quiet inner whispers that will allow your life to flow. This means be […]

Couch To Marathon In 12 Months

Couch -to -marathon

You Can’t Tell Anyone! Heather trusted me with her secret back in January and asked me to be her health accountability partner. She knew I would be honest with her. After all we have over the past 5 years supported one another on our healing journeys. In the video above Heather shares her journey and why she […]