Will You Choose The Path That Your Heart Wants You To Walk? What are you ready for. …….? FREEDOM was the message I drew from my Heart Whisper Oracle Cards Yes I am ready to live in total freedom I decided it was time to ask for help. Time for a conversation with my guides: […]
Do You Talk To Your Guides Each Day?

What Do My Guides Want Me To Know Today? I was shuffling my deck of cards. Focusing on my heart and some cards flew to the floor I then turned over the top card was YOUR HEART KNOWS This is the focus card for me today That said to me it is time to do […]
What Will You Magically Manifest In March?

Welcome to a new month March is the month to magically manifest your dreams Today’s post started out with a question for me which was: How will I magically manifest money with ease and flow in March I was thinking other people might want to manifest good health, somebody else might want to manifest a […]
Are You The Hunter Of Your Dreams?

Are you ready to leave your comfort zone to discover your true self? These journaling prompts come from today’s reading from Simple Abundance I picked this book up last Friday at the Lifeline Book Fair and have used it everyday since- a wonderful first morning read to raise the vibes to abundance.. I love the […]