Do You Find It Easy To Forgive Yourself?
Why Forgiveness Opens Your Heart To Love. Are you holding onto “stuff” from your past that you thought you had forgiven yourself for? Last week while I was having a NLP session several memories from 11 and 12 years ago surfaced. These were events I thought I had let go of and people I thought […]
Do You Love You?
Loving you is the closest thing there is to heaven.~ Author Unknown Do You really really LOVE You? Can you look in the mirror and joyfully say : “I LOVE YOU. I REALLY LOVE YOU” How often do you look in the mirror and say I love you? Once a day? Maybe more? Or never? […]
Making Art Every Day Is Empowering
In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine. –Ralph Waldo Emerson On November 1st, I joined the The Art Every Day month challenge that Leah Piken Kolidas has been running for 10 years. and yes I have painted every day. Some days more than once. 🙂 It was back in April 2011 that […]
Color Prescription 5: Blue and The Throat Chakra
Working with The Color Blue and The Throat Chakra Only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth, and that is not speaking it. – Naomi Wolf Blue is the color of the clear sky, the sea, cornflowers, irises, of inspiration, sincerity and spirituality.of trust, peace, order and loyalty, of sapphires. blue topaz and lapis lazuli. Blue comes in […]