Day 10: Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge: Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a form of gratitude ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach Welcome to Day 10 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just start at the day you have arrived at. The previous days are […]
Day 9: Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge: Go Within To Find Your Heart’s Desire

I feel strong when I am being true to the whispers of my heart. I still my mind and I go within. I ask. I listen. I trust. – Suzie Cheel Welcome to Day 9 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge: Today it is time to go within and be grateful from that inner place […]
Day 8: Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge: Abundance

Welcome to Day 8 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge: It’s raining abundance day (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just start at the day you have arrived at. The previous days are listed at the bottom of each post […]
Day 7: Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge Releasing Fear

When we are grateful, we let go of the fear. We open our hearts, allow the love and abundance to flow – Suzie Cheel Welcome to Day 7 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge: (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just […]