Day 5: Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge

When I appreciate and love myself fully, judgement falls away, joy expands, there is trust, respect just is and I feel the peace within. .– Suzie Cheel Welcome to Day 4 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge: (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just […]
Day 4: Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge

Giving thanks daily is the doorway to love.– Suzie Cheel Welcome to Day 4 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge: (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just start at the day you have arrived at. The previous days are listed at […]
Day 3: Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge

When I listen to and trust the whispers of my heart, my light shines for all to see.– Suzie Cheel Welcome to Day 3 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge: (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just start at the day you […]
Day 2: Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge

Gratitude Comes From Acceptance Welcome to Day 2 of The Heart Whisper Gratitude Challenge: (If you’re only just catching up with us today go here first to find out what you need to do to get ready or just start at the day you have arrived at. The previous days are listed at the bottom of each […]