So What Do I Want?

Such a simple way to reset one’s vibes by asking: SO WHAT DO I WANT This is the question I ask when I allow my daily ritual boundaries to fall away!!!!!! YES, that was me this morning. I got excited to read the comments on my first 1-minute video that I let my guard drop […]
Detours On Your Journey To Freedom

I had what you might call a bad start to the day, I got up early 4.30am to journal before I listened to a 5.00am workshop that I was looking forward to. The link wouldn’t work when I went to zoom, then I thrashed around trying to find out where the link was, re-signup, all […]

FOCUSING ON MY DREAMS EMPOWERS ME DAILY! Where am I going? These were the words that fell onto my journal I woke early today and the feeling I had was one of how will I get everything done, do I really want to be doing what I have mapped out for November? You know that […]
My 3 Words for 2016

Why 3 Words? The last few years I have chosen 1 word for the year Last year it was trust In 2014 it was courage in 2013 it was abundance In 2012 I started a series word of the week that was a great idea that i might revive one day This year I thought my word […]